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Folded Flag Necklace with Wife

Who we are

Point 27 — Point 27 is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Charity incorporated in the state of Georgia on February 3, 2014 . We respect and admire the brave men and women who answer the call of duty and daily risk their lives for the freedom and security every American enjoys. Our vision is to see people strengthened by God’s Word and victorious in life’s battles.

We are an all-volunteer organization with no employees, no salaries or compensation for board members or volunteers. God’s Word hanging on a necklace just inches from a person’s heart is a simple, yet powerful reminder that God is with us wherever we go and of His unconditional love.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”

Matthew 5:9

Upcoming Events

Real People - Real Results


Every Dollar Makes A Difference


Dog Tags Given To Service Men & Women


Dog Tags Given To Police Officers


Folded Flag Necklaces Distributed

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Point 27 News

Army (Ret.) Master Sgt. Joe Bouchard Helps Others to Fight the Good Fight
(Ret) Master Sgt. Joe "Chappy" Bouchard... In Pooler, Georgia, Point 27 volunteer US Army (Ret.) Master Sgt. Joe "Chappy" Bouchard helps others rise up and fight the good fight, using martial arts and scripture-inscribed dog tags from Point 27. In a recent telephone interview, Bouchard said it was at Fort Stewart that he met US...
July 19, 2023
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White Police Officers Targeted in Dallas Texas
White Police Officers Targeted... On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson, a black male, targeted and ambushed a group of white police officers in Dallas, Texas, shooting and killing five officers, and injuring nine others after posting racist rhetoric on social media. Two civilians were also wounded. Killing anyone based on racial hatred is evil....
July 9, 2023
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Chicago PD Chaplain Armed with Badge – Gun and Scripture on TBL Dog Tags
On The South Side of Chicago... Chicago Police Department Chaplain Bob Montelongo grew up with his two brothers in the tough south side of Chicago. The three brothers all became law enforcement officers. As a boy, Bob remembers the police officers trying to tame that rough part of the city: “There was something about watching...
July 9, 2023
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